Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moving to Their New Home!! The Coop!!

It has been a very exciting week for the Kelly Chickens!  They have moved out to their coop!  Last weekend we finished up the interior of the coop and decided to move them in.  There are a few things we still need to build (nesting boxes, perches)  but those things can wait a bit.  The main project to get done with the coop is the fence so the chickens can go outside.  I hope this gets done this weekend!  Here are a few pictures of the chickens moving into their home:

Here is a video of the chickens exploring their new home!

Being in their new home there have been a lot of new experiences for them.  They are now being exposed to more "night" time.  We turn off the light during the day so they can experience cold weather, which helps them develop their winter feathers.  At night when it gets the coldest we turn back on the heat light.  The roosters have been trying to crow when the light comes on.  I guess they think it is the morning!  Here is a video of two of the roosters trying to crow.

Ms. Champeau's class also asked a questions about how chickens drink water.  See if you can describe the process by watching the video below:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Who does this belong too? 
   Who does this belong too?
   What's on Mick's head?
     What is on Mick's chin?

   What is different about the hens head?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chicken Updates

We have had the chickens for over 5 weeks now and it is time to post some pictures of their growth.  These pictures were taken on 10-21-2011.  Can you see a difference?



Honey Badger





Santa Maria

Mick Jagger

Which chicken am I with in the picture below?

What is happening here??