Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Families Chicken Adventure

   My wife and I have always wanted to raise chickens.  Living in Apartments, we have never had the space to have them.  When we purchased out new house in Sturtevant Wisconsin this summer we decided to give it a try.  After a few weeks of moving into the house I began construction on the Chicken Coop (Chicken House).

   The first day of building was a lot of fun but a lot of work.  To build the base my brother Shaun and I had to dig four deep holes, each 4 feet deep.  This was extremely hard when all we were using was a shovel and posthole digger.  Once they were finished we placed the posts in the ground and encased them in cement.  We let them harden and dry for a few days.

   Once the posts were in we started working on the platform or base of the coop.  This was a lot of fun because we were able to drill and screw in boards, but was difficult to keep everything level so the coop wouldn't be on an angle and all the chickens would slide to one side.
Once the base was done we started on the walls.  My brother made this part easy because he is an architect, which means he designs buildings for a living.  He made all the plans so the coop could be put up quickly and easily.

Here are a few pictures of the building process:

The Coop gets worked on every weekend.  I will post some updated pictures of what it looks like currently very soon.  Check back for updates!


  1. Thank you for the pictures Mr. Kelly. Looking at the pictures gave us information to answer many of our questions. We are wondering...

    Do you live on a farm?
    Do you have any other animals?

    From your friends in room 208, Wilson School :)

  2. Thank you for your Post! Here are the answers to your questions:

    Do you live on a farm?
    I don't consider it a farm because I don't really grow any crops or have cows but I do have two barns. So I guess it is kind of a farm. One of the barns has a pasture for horses and the other is for storage and where I play basketball.

    Do you have any other animals?
    I have two dogs. Moose, a Labradoodle, and Lulu, a Pug. I will post some pictures of them soon. Other than that I will soon have one or two horses, I will keep you updated.

    Let me know if you have any other Wonder Questions!!!

    Have a great day!
